
Gempicker is a fun puzzle and ability game that challenges you to pick the right gems from two boards in the right order. Trust us, it's harder than it sounds, but so satisfying when you get it right! The good news is, there's usually some symmetry between the boards that can give you a helpful clue and make the puzzle-solving process a little easier.

How to play?

At the top of your screen, you'll see the gems you need to collect to complete the challenge. Remember, you have to pick them in the exact order they appear. To select a gem, just tap or click on it with your mouse. But be careful not to pick extra gems or choose them in the wrong order!

There are 12 levels available, each with its unique symmetries and difficulty level that increases as you progress. So, get ready to face new challenges and complexities as you move up the map!


Game design and programming by Irigames.

Game made using the Godot game engine.

Graphics licensed from Freepik, Flaticon, other licensed and own sources.

Music licensed from Phat Phrog Studio.

Sounds licensed from Epic Stock Media.

Thanks for playing and enjoy!

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